Tuesday, July 24, 2012

The family

Golf Reunion

First, I'm trying to put together a golf-only trip for some of the family who might want a little mini-reunion. I've sent out emails to most of the golfers in the family, but if I missed anyone, it's OK. You're definitely welcome. The trip would start at the Greenbrier in West Virginia and end at Pinehurst. A few of the early comments indicate I might have added too many courses in between, so in the end it will pared down. Email me if you have questions or are interested in joining us.

Family Tree

Next, I joined ancestry.com for a free trial just to mess around and see if I could add to our tree. I did come up with interesting items. Basically, I found family trees on the site with documents to back up their research. I tied in our side of the family with trees already in place. I'm not in a position to join because I'm not going to have the time to devote to it right now, so it would be a waste. What I can do with the free trial is build a tree and download it - without any documentation. But I'll have the names when I go back and research for documentation. Anyway, if you remember the information Gary passed out at the reunion, it takes us back to the late 1700s. I found a few discrepancies, and I traced the Neal name back even further. Here are some highlights (I'm putting this is relation to me to make it easier):

  • My great-great-great-great grandfather, William Neal, married his uncle's granddaughter Emilia Mildred Neal, (second cousin).
  • My 8th great grandfather arrived in the New World in 1635. Capt. James Neal was an agent of Lord Baltimore, governor of Maryland, who granted him land to build Wallaston Manor in Charles County, Md.
  • In 1100, a man named Nigel Eley in England fathered a son with his mistress, Ramsbury Neil. In those days, the son of an unmarried couple often took the mother's name and added a Fitz to the beginning. Their son was Richard FitzNeale, who died in 1198 - my 22nd great grandfather. He later became the king's treasurer under Henry II.
  • Ramsbury Neil's father was Henry I, King of England. She apparently was one of many illegitimate children he had. So that makes King Henry my 24th great grandfather, which would make his father - William the Conquerer - my 25th great grandfather.
  • Branching out from one of the women who married into the Neal clan, the tree takes us back to Goaspatric Northumberland, my 26th great grandfather, who led an uprising against William the Conquerer. He was defeated and sent into exile.
  • Also branching out from one of the women who married into the Neal clan, the tree also takes us back to Malcolm II, King of Scotland, who died in 1034. He was my 29th great grandfather.
  • Another branch takes us to Edgar the Peaceful; his father, Edmund the Magnificent; his father, Edward the Elder; and his father, Alfred the Great, all kings of England before 1000. These are my 30th, 31st, 32nd and 33rd great grandfathers, respectively.
  • Aiden the Treacherous, King of Scotland (532-606), was my 42nd great grandfather. 
With the trial membership, I don't have access to all documents, but I have been able to see some of them. The research has been done before me so I have little reason to doubt any of this, but I can't back it up with anything right now. But it is fun to look at.

Like I said, I'm downloading a tree with names if anyone is interested. If anyone is doing some research, this could help. And if you are, let me know.

Hope all is well. I'm looking for news. I know there's some out there. I've got a few stories I want to post in the near future, including some relocations, some school news and some recent trips.

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